Below is a list of our distributors:
Fraktflygargatan 18
12830 Skarpnäck
Telefon: 0704-990230
Mail: info@aquariatech.eu
Custom overflow box and lid
Design and print project for a customers peninsula reef tank
Abyzz 400 pump guard
Design and print project for a customer with a large saltwater aquarium. Pump guard with add on filter floss holder.
Aquarium overflow guard
Customer supplied .stl file. Requested one matte black and one gloss. Printed with rPETG and PETG
Jacuzzi screen surround
Jacuzzi screen surround for cut out in decking. Designed and printed in high strength black PETG
Touch screen housing
Custom touch screen housing, retainer and lid assembly. Designed and printed by G3D.
Touch screen housing
Custom touch screen housing, retainer and lid assembly. Designed and printed by G3D.
Duplo to brio adaptor
Brio train track adaptor to work with duplo bricks. Designed and printed by G3D
Stool foot
Replacement foot for a bar stool designed and printed by G3D
Replacement screw
Replacement screw for aquarium skimmer. Copied original blue screw and printed new replacements in tough orange PETG